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The team believes that crisis warning is the first step in crisis management and the key to crisis management. First of all, we must have a sense of crisis.

Company News | 来源:吉祥铝单板实力厂家铝单板行业十大品牌|上海吉祥家美幕墙材料有限公司 2016/09/15 阅读:913

Crisis warning mainly refers to people's cognition of crisis, which is manifested as a strong crisis awareness and an early warning system based on cognition.
Establishment method
The team believes that crisis warning is the first step in crisis management and the key to crisis management. First of all, we must have a sense of crisis. Although the crisis appears in the form of unexpected events, the probability of occurrence is very low, but the emergency is an objective existence. In this sense, the crisis is inevitable, and it can not be avoided. Moreover, because of lack of preparation, the losses caused by crisis events are often enormous and unconventional, and people will spend more time and energy in dealing with the crisis. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the emergence of crisis from the ideological point of view. At the same time, crisis early-warning is also the function of crisis management knowledge information system. As with routine events, accidental events have a process of occurrence and development, even from quantitative change to qualitative change. Before the accident, there are always some signs. As long as we catch these signals in time, analyze and deal with them, and take effective measures in time, we can minimize the losses caused by the crisis, and even avoid the emergence of crises.
Crisis warning main content
There are mainly eight aspects of the work in the early warning stage

Identify sources of crisis

Enumeration of phenomena or events that may cause a crisis. Although many companies may be the industry leader, but more or less there will be weak, discover the weakness of the modern enterprise is one of the compulsory "Eighteen Stages to Subdue a Dragon". Enterprises should seriously reflect on what weak issues may lead to enterprises in crisis? So that companies know which crises should be managed effectively.
Enterprises should formally define the most likely and potentially dangerous crises that can cause the most serious harm. The main avenues of investigation are:
1. conduct questionnaires on the top, middle and bottom levels of the company
2. investigate distributors
3. investigate consumers
4., the government departments, industry departments to investigate
5. investigate the media editors
Based on investigation and analysis of research data of wheat brand planning can form on the above, to help identify the most vulnerable enterprises, enterprises should be good for reducing the prevention and management of the crisis, so as to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of crisis management.
Analyze the crisis
1) analyze the frequency of the crisis
2) the impact of the crisis
3) the difficulty of crisis management
4) the public concern caused by the crisis
According to the listed crisis and the above four evaluation criteria, the potential crisis analysis table and the crisis priority quadrant are formed
Determine the crisis control strategy
According to the nature of crisis and the ability of enterprises to withstand crisis, enterprises have different crisis coping strategies.
The way enterprises can cope with the crisis can be summed up in four ways: "hide, side, turn, answer""
The first recruit: hidden - exclusion strategy. Untouchables, hiding from. Beat, but always run. Some of the causes of the crisis are controllable factors of the enterprise, so we should actively eliminate these incentives and eliminate potential crisis. Don't be a pointless hero, act on your own strength and background. If you are not aware of the opponent of the tiger, do not go, "knowing that the mountain tiger, inclined to Tiger Hill line."". To put it mildly, call strategic retreat".
1, to establish a good corporate image, in the eyes of the public to establish a reliable reputation.
2, can not be involved in the field to refuse the temptation, the risk of great harm as far as possible avoided
3, improve the internal management of enterprises and eliminate all kinds of malpractices in the management of enterprises.
4, for various incentives, develop a sound prevention system.
5, quickly solve small problems, and actively correct minor mistakes.
Second recruit: side - mitigation strategy. Can not hide, side open. If you run but that's not hard, can be turned and slow. Through a variety of measures to control the crisis incentives within a certain limit and scope, thereby easing the crisis, so that the loss to a minimum. KFC has nearly 30 suppliers of chicken in China, all of which have obtained the quarantine certificate issued by the State Administration of entry-exit inspection and quarantine, and ensure that all supplies come from non infected areas without bird flu". The Vietnamese KFC is short of local chicken. Chicken products have been replaced with plenty of fish products. These measures have caused KFC to reduce its losses to some extent during the period of bird flu.
The third trick: Transfer - transfer strategy. Side not open, transfer open. The unavoidable can alleviate the crisis, should try to reasonably transfer risk. Such as outsourcing part of the operation, buying insurance, setting up the value and signing the exemption agreement. In the 9 / 11 terrorist attacks, the international insurance market suffered heavy losses, and many insurance companies paid huge sums of money, but they did not trigger a series of bankruptcy insurance companies. The most important reason is that foreign insurance companies pay great attention to reinsurance and transfer some of their underwriting business to other insurance companies, that is, to transfer risks through reinsurance. Therefore, the "9. 11" terrorist attacks occurred after the payment of most of those reinsurance companies.
The fourth recruit: answer - prevention strategy. If you can't turn it off, you can afford it. No one knows in advance what happened in the crisis, will affect a wide range, therefore must be prepared within the limits of the crisis, do good for the outbreak of the crisis, financial and material preparation, and actively take risks, and in